Sunday, February 3, 2008


So. At such early stages in my thinking and ideas, I have a feeling that I will look back on these early stages of posting and think "laughable."

That's okay, I suppose.

So, here it is after months of coffee shop lunches:

I would like to be more informed of the design of human communication with a focus on how our ideas have changed and will change over time.

Some goals:
1. Use design to make life meaningful.
2. Fight social ills with communication and collaboration.
3. Take the guilty conscience out of graphic design.

I wonder what might happen in the future with all this.


graham! said...

hey you may already know this site, but i just found it! it seems like it has some interesting thoughts on there sometimes.

The new article, Vision Thing, was pretty interesting. i ALMOST finished reading the whole thing! damn attention span...

graham! said...

ok sorry i dont think that link showed up:
