Tuesday, April 22, 2008

it said thank you on his crotch.

I really enjoyed Sagmeister's lecture. I often worry that I am not critical enough. So, I will start by saying something critical. He kept standing in front of the projector and his thank you slide projected onto his crotch. He should be more careful than to let his crotch say thank you.

But seriously, I ate everything he said up. The biggest thing I can take away from the lecture is having guts. Be brave and do what you think is right. Be critical about what might be right, but when you feel you are right stand up for it.

The lecture also inspired me to be more diligent. I should edit my ideas to come up with the best solution. I should work to not be satified with sub-par. What's my hurry? I am always working to get something done and wary of delays.

Sagmeister's ideas are so creative and solid. I think the key is lots of careful thinking and absolute dedication.

Favorites: Spending almost the entire budget on an expensive mold for an annual report, using photos under different light for all the illustrations. An art party where the art is the party. Sugar typography. Inflatable bar graphs. Urination typography.

He also wrote in our speech bubble about have guts. I think that might be the biggest message. Having guts.

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