Tuesday, April 22, 2008

cloud cult cult.

So, my niece was christened this weekend which makes me ponder a bit about human spirituality -- a continuously perplexing subject. We are so intelligent. So advanced. We moved so far from our primitive ways of the past. That's mostly true, but I feel that our early primitive tendencies are still lingering somewhere in our DNA.

I guess for me, it is nice to feel connected with thousands of years of human tradition that has a common good message. I participate in it, so it doesn't die. I don't know what renouncing Satan means literally, but I do know what I think in a symbolic way it means to do your best to be a nice, loving, responsible human being. The meaning of Satan has changed since the years when we thought he was a woolly red man with horns and a pitch fork.

Seeing a band I love, Cloud Cult, makes me think consider some similar ideas. The band culture. So hip. Too cool for...lots of stuff. Especially church. When I got to church services and I see people singing with their eyes closed and holding there hands up in the air for Jesus, I can't help but roll my eyes a bit. It occurred to me that I am just like that when I see bands though. Maybe I shouldn't poke so much fun.

Cloud Cult was amazing, though. It felt like religion.

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