Friday, May 30, 2008

everybody watch the 11th hour.

So, I was just repeatedly made fun of for taking notes on a Friday night as I watch a documentary in my living room. It was so good. I didn't want to miss anything.

Some ideas...

The wrong growth reduces quality of life. That's sort of how consumerism makes me sad. A psychologist in the film was saying that our obsession with new things is because we are craving a replacement for earth's beauty. My mom said once that she thinks it's because we are denying ourselves the primitive instinct hunting and gathering.

We are connected to nature physically in our DNA.

There is a rise in cancer and asthma because of our "progress" and industry. We try to treat these things with more study and research - which is good. That needs to happen, but I can't help but hope that at the same time, we are looking for ways to avoid prolonging our production of the chemicals that are making us sick.

I love culture. An interest in reducing consumerism and redesigning industry is not to say that we have a dull existence. Like McDonough says, we want 400 kinds of cheese in France. We just want it in a way that does not destroy our planet and species.

Fight the power. Stop being lazy and unhappy. Make a statement about things that are wrong. Immobilize for common good. Like Billy Warden was saying, this is an exciting time in history. We can as a generation be heroes like the WWII generation. This is wonderful. The opportunity is amazing.

McDonough: Redesign design.

John Todd is an ecodesigner. Interesting. Want to do more research on that.


On the film they were talking about a dance club that is powered by the dancers. The floor would absorb the energy from the dancers and use it to power the club. It's being developed in the Netherlands.

Love makes us human and love makes us care.

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