Sunday, May 11, 2008

question (the verb kind).

Noam Chomsky. Hmm. He's a buzz person. I wish I were cooler and could say that I have always been a huge fan of his. Sorry, but I am slow on the draw for this one, but I will say that should not deter anyone from wanting to absorb his words and ideas. In fact, the impression I got from him would condone the newcomers. Why not? If it is for the common good, then why put a stop to it.

Some things I liked. Intellectuals should look to themselves and question where their fault lies rather than always looking at where others are wrong. The American media should look at what America is doing wrong and question what could be done better.

He spoke about manufactured fear. That is crazy difficult to avoid. It's an interesting idea. I need to start looking for ways.

He said we should not deny who we are as people. I took that to mean that I should look for ways to improve the world in the areas in which I am suited to do so. I don't necessarily need to rally steel workers (his example). I think that's why I am interesting in teaching.

He spoke about the faux-conservatives who want lots of control so a chosen elite few can be in charge of everything. It made me think of the idea about student loans and credit payments. I am obedient because I have to be. My security will be threatened when I choose to act.

I am terrible. I love ideas, but I love comfort. I do not yet know how to threaten my comfort to do what is right. I am very selfish. I don't know what to do about that. I guess I should continue to think and try to do the right thing.

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