Friday, October 2, 2009

How things are going.

I guess it's good every once in a while to pause and think about how things are going, right?

So, I've been working on the 1000 years painting. It's coming along, but something's not quite right. Maybe It's too large? I don't know. The grass is what's bothering me. The grass is not quite right I guess. I'll keep working on it. I think it will be a really nice painting to have in the future. Because it will always remind us of Kona.

So...I'm trying not to be discouraged as far as a portfolio goes. I think the next thing I do will have realistic aspects as well as abstract. It will be representational and communicate a certain idea.

So, I think I will probably do the The Present Doesn't Exist painting first. That will be fun to do because it will have typography. The violinist will have realistic colors, but I think I will use a vibrant color palette for everything else.

If I don't do that maybe I will do something landscape or portrait.

Time to pran some lessons!

1 comment:

kt said...

So, I've been working on this more. I'm feeling better about it. I'm started to get more of the background done and it's coming together better. PHEW!