Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

It's so cool to start studying these histories a little more. I just finished reading about Pope Alexander having Bernini redesign St. Peter's (who Michaelangelo finished). But apparently, he did a lot of sculptures in the Basilica. Pretty amazing stuff.

It's crazy to think that I actually saw this stuff in real life too. It was so impressive. I've seen a bunch of stuff in the past few years, and but not much compares to turning corners in St. Peter's. Amazing stuff.

So, here's some more information about it.

Bernini was an extremely talented person. He painted, sculpted, wrote plays, and received attention from Popes granting commissions at a pretty early age.

His most impactful work (I think) would have to be the redesign of Saint Peter's and the sculptures within. I think the sculpture that really caught my eye and made my jaw drop was the tomb for Pope Alexander VII. Over the door to the tomb are huge, flowing drapes made out of marble. It's insane to image to materials that are so different enabling such a realistic likeness.

Bernini was deeply religious, and in a lot of his work, you can see light to add to the drama and meaning of a sculpture.

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