Saturday, February 23, 2008

i just wanna get my learn on.

So, I just found a program for an online Masters degree. It's at UNCG and prepares grads to teach at the Community College level. It's a Masters of Arts in Liberal Studies.

The courses are things like Biorhythms, the Contemporary World, Age of Revolutions, and many more totally awesome courses that I want to take so much. I just want to learn and study for the rest of my life and make that my job.

People might say: Well, you can do that no matter what your job is.

My response: I want more than that. I want my job to be learning and I want to learn more outside of my job.

I want to study humanity present/future/past from a design perspective because design is what makes us human. It is what separates us from animals, it is why we have a complex civilization. I feel akin to the early philosophers (but not as smart) in wanting to spend every moment studying what we are, why we are here, and what we might be capable of in the future.

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