Sunday, February 10, 2008

skiing = near death.

A trip to the North Carolina mountains did provide me an excellent 3 hour drive by myself where I could think and come up with some new ideas.

However, those ideas could have easily been utterly pointless had my first run down the non-bunny slope killed me like I thought it would while in progress. Let's just say people were staring and saying "Oh, my God" as I zipped by them screaming for dear life and unable to stop.

I made it back to the safety of my computer unscathed and ready to jot a couple thoughts on career development and future ideas.

Portfolio Ideas:
1. Figure out how to make entire portfolio book compostable
2. Take UNC online courses
3. Start a guerilla tree planting club

Blog ideas:
1. Days Inn versus Ramada
2. Phonebooks out of date