Friday, September 18, 2009

Next Painting.

I think I might do a painting of this photo. I have trouble expressing why I like this photo so much. I think it comments or our society and it's problems (haha borrrring...every one says that). So, I think I will do a large-ish painting of this. I need to think about it more. It was a moment that was captured. There is something beautiful about it but also sad. There are flowers sitting in a beer can. You can see an index or the beautiful human form, but it's fake and trashed falling over.

So, I just started laying out some photos that I think would make interesting paintings. I got sort inspired by an idea. What if I did my realism in full realistic color. And my unrealistic in black and white. It's not monumental. Just a thought. So, the ideas earlier that are trying to express philosphies or ideas about existence could also maintain a BW palette. That might be really interesting. Especially for a portfolio.

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