Wednesday, September 16, 2009

on going ideas

PAINTING IDEAS - disclaimer...this all probably sounds stupid. haha.

Justin just inspired me to do what I've always sort have known (but also not known) what I want to do. I am absolutely sure of this. I want to be an artist. I want to be a University art professor and sell paintings on the side.

I want to do art like my dad's poems.

Artistic visualizations of a specific idea about life and why life is so incredible. About existence. I guess that's what I'd like to do.

I want to delve into our collective ever evolving human consciousness. I want to capture on a canvas the history of mankind that lives in our genes and that has, over the millions of years of our existence, inspired us to look up at the sky and wonder what is out there.

I want to do paintings about being stardust.

I want to do paintings about poetry.




Teaching and learning.

Technology and innovation.

Mistakes and remorse.

BUT more specifically:
- a glass shattering. Call it physics. Make it absolutely realistic. The painting would ask if the glass is shattering or going back together. Based on dad's poem.
- people hugging. one person is pencil, one is is painted realistically.
- the present does not exist
- sick of all the bullshit - almost all black. very subtly make out an image of a bill
- painting of Beauty

Portfolio piece ideas: Need to do research, but I think I should look for a place to do gesture drawings of the human form.

- blind drawings

- paint en plein air (maybe a beautiful spot on the way to siao wulai).

- something really small

- something really big

- color studies

Need to always stay focused on what is current. what pushes things farther. need good and inspiring resources.

Sept 15

This has turned into my art log. I will use this to work my into a body of work. I need 12 amazing paintings. The one I'm working on now feels sort of like practice. BUT it's good. It's getting me going.

Human Evolution
Humanity's achievements
Humanity's downfall
Making things better
Visual Communication

SO...things that I might want to make statements about (keeping in mind that I am looking for things that will make my work standout)

- East v West
- Chinese Cognitive Lexical Acquistition Visualization - tongue and cheek. a painting that shows how I would visually represent what goes through one's mind when going from English to Chinese to pinyin to Characters
- Stardust - I was a bad Astronomy student but I thought it was SO cool that our professor ending the semester saying that we are all stardust
- Glass shattering. Is it going forwards or backwards
- show what it feels like to constantly be searching for a chinese word I've learned amidst all the chatter.

2 least 12 paintings...for a show or for a portfolio


Sept. 19
So, now I'm thinking I will work on very realistic works. I am still struggling with how to break out and do something different and worthwhile. Hmmm.

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